AUTOR: Olivier Bonami AFILIACJA: CNRS/Sorbonne-Paris IV TYTUŁ: French parenthetical adverbs in HPSG STRESZCZENIE: So-called 'parentheticals' are usually believed to share two properties: they have a special prosody and syntactic placement which sets them apart from ordinary constituents, and they have a special semantics, not being part of the main semantic content. Following previous work by Bonami, Godard and Kampers-Manhe (in press), we will show that the syntactic-prosodic property and the semantic-pragmatic property are really independent. In this talk I will focus on the semantic-pragmatic notion of parentheticality, and in particular on parenthetical adverbs such as evaluatives (e.g. 'fortunately') and speech-act adverbs (e.g. 'frankly'). On the basis of examples from French, I will show that parenthetical adverbs do take scope, despite the fact that they do not form part of the main semantic content. I will sketch an HPSG analysis that makes sense of this fact by modelling explicitly the respective role of parenthetical and non-parenthetical content in dialogue, on the basis of Ginzburg (to appear). References Olivier Bonami, Daniele Godard et Brigitte Kampers-Manhe. In press. Adverb Classification. In F. Corblin et H. de Swart (eds), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford : CSLI Publications. Jonathan Ginzburg. To appear. A semantics for interaction in dialogue. Stanford: CSLI Publications and Chicago: the University of Chicago Press. Draft chapters available at