AUTOR: Ruprecht von Waldenfels AFILIACJA: Uniwersytet w Bernie i IPI PAN TYTUŁ: A corpus-driven, usage-based approach to cross-Slavic variation using a parallel corpus: aims, tools and first results STRESZCZENIE: Differences in the use of similar linguistic variables across a set of closely related languages such as Slavic are difficult to analyze because of the multitude of functions and factors that are rarely categorical or clear cut. In the talk, I present an ongoing research project I will be continuing at IPI PAN in the coming months that aims to investigate such cross-Slavic differences and groupings in a bottom-up fashion using parallel texts. Using a word aligned, morphologically tagged and lemmatized parallel corpus of prose in all major Slavic languages (ParaSol), I compare the use of verbal aspect, middle marking, nominal suffixes and verbal prefixes in translationally equivalent word forms across languages. The data are evaluated from a quantitative perspective using clustering algorithms as well as qualitatively using a web interface that visualizes the contrasting variables in context. First results concern generalizations in respect to aspect usage and reflexive marking, and different role of contact and genetic influences in patterns of use of nominal and verbal derivational affixes across Slavic. In the talk, I will also present the tools used in the research project in some detail, since I plan to partly publish them for the research community.