AUTOR:     Anna Nedoluzhko
AFILIACJA: Charles University in Prague

27 kwietnia 2015:

TYTUŁ: Annotation of textual phenomena in the Prague Dependency Treebank


The presentation describes the annotation of discourse relations in
the Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT). We will first present PDT 3.0
and its multilayer annotation (morphological, syntactic and complex
semantic layers). Then, we will concentrate on the discourse
annotation layer which includes the annotation of coreference links,
bridging relations, information structure and discourse relations. The
special attention will be paid to annotation principles and the
analysis of inter-annotator disagreements.

28 kwietnia 2015:

TYTUŁ: Coreferential expressions in English and Czech


In this talk, we will present a comprehensive study on mappings
between certain classes of coreferential expressions in English and
Czech. We focus on central pronouns, relative pronouns and anaphoric
zeros. For instance, the English sentence 'It switched to a
caffeine-free formula using its new Coke in 1985' has been in PCEDT
translated to 'V roce 1985 přešla na bezkofeinovou recepturu, kterou
používá pro svojí novou kolu'. This pair of sentences exhibits several
types of changes in expressing coreference: English personal pronouns
turns into a Czech zero, possessive pronoun into a possessive
reflexive and finally, the -ing participle has been translated to a
relative clause. In a similar manner, we have collected a statistics
of mappings from a subsection of PCEDT, which we will support by
multiple examples and contrast with the theoretical assumptions. For
such a study, the quality of word alignment is crucial. Thus, we
designed a rule-based refining algorithm for English personal and
possessive pronouns and Czech relative pronouns, which served as an
automatic alignment pre-annotation. Subsequently, this annotation has
been manually corrected and completed, obtaining a basis for this
empirical study.

30 kwietnia 2015:

TYTUŁ: Coreference in Czech and cross-lingually – ideas and perspectives


The talk presents manual annotation of coreference relations in more
detail: coreference resolution experiments, manual annotation of
English (Ontonotes vs. PCEDT, problematic cases (generics,
premodifiers, etc.)), (dis)agreements, coreference chains in Czech
vs. English
vs. Russian.