The Linguistic Engineering Group
Polish in HPSG
The main aim of this project has been to develop formal and
computational analyses of a wide range of phenomena in Polish within the
framework of Head-driven
Phrase Structure Grammar. This work has been conducted mainly within
the following grant:
- Zastosowanie metod inzynierii lingwistycznej do analizy i syntezy tekstów języka polskiego (Eng. "The application of the methods of linguistic engineering to the analysis and synthesis of Polish texts"), a (national) KBN grant No. 8 T11C 011110, 1996-1998.
List of project participants:
- Leonard Bolc, PhD, Professor, Principal Investigator
- Krzysztof Czuba, MSc
- Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz, PhD, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw
- Anna Kupść, PhD
- Małgorzata Marciniak, PhD
- Agnieszka Mykowiecka, PhD
- Adam Przepiórkowski, PhD
- Marek Świdzinski, PhD, Professor, Department of Polish Language, University of Warsaw
Some of the most important publications resulting from this research are:
- Adam Przepiórkowski, Anna Kupść, Małgorzata Marciniak and Agnieszka
Mykowiecka, Formalny opis jezyka polskiego: Teoria i implementacja, Akademicka Oficyna
Wydawnicza, Warszawa, 2002. (You can find the corresponding prototype
implementation here.)
- Leonard Bolc, Krzysztof Czuba, Anna Kupść, Małgorzata Marciniak, Agnieszka
Mykowiecka and Adam Przepiórkowski, A Survey of Systems for
Implementing HPSG Grammars, October 1996. Report 814 of IPI PAN (Institute of Computer
Science, Polish Academy of Sciences).
- Robert D. Borsley and Adam Przepiórkowski (eds.), Slavic in Head-driven Phrase
Structure Grammar, 1999. An edited volume published in the Studies in Constraint-Based
Lexicalism series, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA. It contains, among others, articles
by Anna Kupść, Małgorzata Marciniak and Adam Przepiórkowski.
- Four PhD dissertations:
- Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Opis składniowy polskich konstrukcji względnych w formalizmie
HPSG (Eng. "Syntactic HPSG Description of Polish Relative Constructions") , 1998. PhD
dissertation, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. (In Polish.)
- Adam Przepiórkowski, Case Assignment and the
Complement-Adjunct Dichotomy: A Non-Configurational Constraint-Based Approach,
1999. PhD dissertation, University of Tübingen, 1999.
- Anna Kupść, An HPSG Grammar of Polish Clitics, Institute of Computer Science,
Polish Academy of Sciences and Paris 7, 2000.
- Małgorzata Marciniak, Zastosowanie formalizmu HPSG do opisu koreferencji
zaimków dla języka polskiego (Eng. "Application of the HPSG Formalism to the
Description of Pronominal Anaphora in Polish"), 2001. (In Polish.)
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Engineering Group.
Creation Date: Thursday, October 19, 2000
Last Content Update: Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Last Modified: Sun Jan 15 14:26:20 CET 2006
Maintained by AP.