An abridged version appeared in: Junghanns, Uwe and Gerhild Zybatow (eds), Formale Slavistik (= Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Uebersetzungswissenschaft;7), pages 307-319, Frankfurt am Main. Vervuert Verlag, 1997.
We formulate within Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar a theory of case which is based on the structural/lexical case dichotomy as developed within the Government and Binding framework. We argue that this dichotomy holds for Polish, a relatively inflectional Slavic language, and give examples of tests which allow to determine which morphological cases belong to which syntactical (i.e., structural or lexical) cases. On the basis of these observations we present a Case Principle for Polish responsible for morphological realization of structural cases. In the second part of the paper we give an account of the infamous problem of Slavic numerals, concentrating however solely on Polish. We show that the distribution and inflection of numeral phrases confirms the case dichotomy in a striking way. We come up with HPSG lexical entries for all main classes of Polish numerals, including the paucal and the quirky indefinite numerals. In the last section of this paper we argue that in Polish, unlike in German and Russian, passivization does not seem to depend on the structural/lexical case dichotomy.
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BibTeX entries:
@InCollection{prze:95b, author = "Adam Przepi{\'o}rkowski", title = {Case Assignment in {P}olish: Towards an {HPSG} Analysis}, booktitle = {Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science, Vol.~12: Studies in {HPSG}}, editor = {Claire Grover and Enric Vallduv{\'\i}}, publisher = "Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh", pages = {191--228}, year = 1996, month = may} @InProceedings{prze:97f, author = "Adam Przepi{\'o}rkowski", title = {Case Assignment in {P}olish: Towards an {HPSG} Analysis}, editor = "Uwe Junghanns and Gerhild Zybatow", booktitle = "Formale Slavistik", volume = "7", series = "Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Uebersetzungswissenschaft", publisher = "Vervuert Verlag", isbn = "ISBN 3-89354-267-1", pages = "307--319", year = 1997, address = "Frankfurt am Main", note = "Proceedings of the First European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, Leipzig, 1995. Abridged version of \cite{prze:95b}."}
Creation Date: Friday, November 28, 1997
Last Modified: Sun Jan 15 17:48:26 CET 2006