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@InProceedings{prze:98cc, author = "Adam Przepiórkowski", title = "Verbal Proforms and the Structural Complement-Adjunct Distinction in {P}olish", crossref = "kos:fra:02:ed", pages = "405--414"} @string{frankfurt = "Frankfurt am Main"} @Proceedings{kos:fra:02:ed, editor = "Peter Kosta and Jens Frasek", title = "Current Approaches to Formal Slavic Linguistics", booktitle = "Current Approaches to Formal Slavic Linguistics", publisher = "Peter Lang", year = 2002, address = frankfurt, annote = "Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, Potsdam, 1997"}
Creation Date: Monday, December 1, 1997
Last Modified: Sun Jan 15 15:05:49 CET 2006