On Case Transmission in Polish Control and Raising Constructions

Adam Przepiórkowski

In: PSiCL 39, pp. 103-123. See also Czech and Polish Raising/Control with or without Structure Sharing.


According to standard assumptions of most generative theories, both Chomskyan and non-Chomskyan, raising and so-called Exceptional Case Marking constructions, but not control constructions, should allow for case transmission, i.e., the identity of the grammatical case between the higher element (raised element, controller), and the lower element (trace/copy, controlled PRO). This prediction is not fulfilled for Polish, a language in which case transmission is allowed from subjects, whether they are raised elements or controllers, but not from other arguments. The aim of this article is to propose an account of such troublesome data. The analysis, building on earlier observations by Hudson 1998 concerning similar facts in Icelandic and Ancient Greek, is couched within Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, a modern generative non-Chomskyan formal framework (Pollard and Sag 1987, 1994).

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@string{psicl =  "Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics"}
  author =       "Adam Przepiórkowski",
  title =        "On Case Transmission in {P}olish Control and Raising
  journal =      psicl,
  volume =       39,
  pages =        "103--123",
  year =         2004}

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Creation Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Last Modified: Tue Jun 7 22:24:00 CEST 2005