POLIQARP 1.0: Some technical aspects of a linguistic search engine for large corpora

Daniel Janus and Adam Przepiórkowski

In: Jacek Waliński, Krzysztof Kredens and Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, eds., The Proceedings of Practical Applications of Linguistic Corpora 2005, PALC 2005, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Electronically available formats (a pre-proof version):

BibTeX entry:

@string{frankfurt = "Frankfurt am Main"}
@string{frankfurt = "Frankfurt nad Menem"}
  author =       "Daniel Janus and Adam Przepiórkowski",
  title =        "POLIQARP 1.0: Some technical aspects of a linguistic
                  search engine for large corpora", 
  booktitle =    "The proceedings of {P}ractical {A}pplications of
                  {L}inguistic {C}orpora 2005",
  editor =       "Jacek Waliński and Krzysztof Kredens and Stanisław
  address =      frankfurt,
  publisher =    "Peter Lang",
  year =         "2006",
  keywords =     "concordancer, corpora, search engine, client-server
                  architecture, efficiency, XCES, XML"}

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Creation Date: Sunday, April 2, 2006
Last Modified: Wed May 16 01:50:12 CEST 2007