Definition Extraction with Balanced Random Forests

Łukasz Kobyliński and Adam Przepiórkowski

In: Bengt Nordström and Aarne Ranta, eds., Advances in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, GoTAL 2008, Springer Verlag, LNAI series 5221, pp. 237-247. Gothenburg, Sweden.

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BibTeX entry:

  author =       "{\L}ukasz Kobyliński and Adam Przepiórkowski",
  title =        "Definition Extraction with Balanced Random Forests",
  crossref =     "gotal:08",
  pages =        "237--247"}
@string{lnai =   "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}
@string{sv =     "Springer-Verlag"}
  key =          "GoTAL",
  editor =       "Bengt Nordström and Aarne Ranta",
  title =        "Advances in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language
                  Processing, {GoTAL}\,2008, Gothenburg, Sweden",
  booktitle =    "Advances in Natural Language Processing: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language
                  Processing, {GoTAL}\,2008, Gothenburg, Sweden",
  address =      "Berlin",
  year =         2008,
  publisher =    sv,
  volume =       5221,
  series =       lnai}

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Creation Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Last Modified: Tue Aug 26 11:53:19 CEST 2008