In the proceedings of Intelligent Information Systems 2008, Zakopane, Poland. (An overview paper for the CLARIN Workshop at IIS 2008.)
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BibTeX entry:
@InCollection{prze:08d, author = "Adam Przepiórkowski", title = "Linguistic resources and tools at {ICS PAS}: {T}owards interoperability", crossref = "klo:etal:08:ed", pages = "491--499"} @string{pan = "Polish Academy of Sciences"} @string{ipipan = "Institute of Computer Science, " # pan} @string{warsaw = "Warsaw"} @Book{klo:etal:08:ed, editor = "Mieczysław A. Kłopotek and Adam Przepiórkowski and Sławomir T. Wierzchoń and Krzysztof Trojanowski", title = "Intelligent Information Systems", booktitle = "Intelligent Information Systems", publisher = ipipan, year = 2008, address = warsaw, where = "publikacje/proceedingsy/iis2008proceedings.pdf"}