In: Text, Speech and Dialogue: 11th International Conference, TSD 2008, Brno, Czech Republic, September 2008, Springer Verlag, LNAI series 5246, pp. 169--176.
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BibTeX entry:
@InProceedings{prz:etal:08a, author = "Adam Przepiórkowski and Michał Marcińczuk and {\L}ukasz Degórski", title = "Dealing with Small, Noisy and Imbalanced Data: Machine Learning or Manual Grammars?", crossref = "tsd:08", pages = "169--176"} @string{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"} @string{sv = "Springer-Verlag"} @Proceedings{tsd:08, title = "Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference, {TSD~2008}, {B}rno, {C}zech {R}epublic, {S}eptember 2008", booktitle = "Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference, {TSD~2008}, {B}rno, {C}zech {R}epublic, {S}eptember 2008", year = 2008, editor = "Petr Sojka and Ivan Kopeček and Karel Pala", address = "Berlin", publisher = sv, series = lnai}