In: Violetta Koseska-Toszewa, Ludmila Dimitrova and Roman Roszko, eds., Representing Semantics in Digital Lexicography: Proceedings of MONDILEX Fourth Open Workshop, Warsaw, 29-30 June 2009, pp. 138-144.
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BibTeX entry:
@InProceedings{prze:09b, author = "Adam PrzepiĆ³rkowski", title = "A~comparison of two morphosyntactic tagsets of {P}olish", crossref = "mondilex:09c", pages = "138--144", year = 2009} @string{warsaw = "Warsaw"} @Proceedings{mondilex:09c, title = "Representing Semantics in Digital Lexicography: Proceedings of {MONDILEX} Fourth Open Workshop", booktitle = "Representing Semantics in Digital Lexicography: Proceedings of {MONDILEX} Fourth Open Workshop", year = 2009, editor = "Violetta Koseska-Toszewa and Ludmila Dimitrova and Roman Roszko", address = warsaw}