Recent Developments in the National Corpus of Polish

Adam Przepiórkowski, Rafał L. Górski, Marek Łaziński and Piotr Pęzik

In: Jana Levická and Radovan Garabík, eds., NLP, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar Research: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Smolenice, Slovakia, 25--27 November 2009, Slovko 2009, pp. 302-309.

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BibTeX entry:

  author =       "Adam Przepiórkowski and Rafał L. Górski and Marek
                  Łaziński and Piotr Pęzik",
  title =        "Recent Developments in the {N}ational {C}orpus of
  pages =        "302--309",
  crossref =     "lev:gar:09:ed"}
  editor =       "Jana Levická and Radovan Garabík",
  title =        "{NLP}, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar
                  Research: Proceedings of the Fifth International
                  Conference, {S}molenice, {S}lovakia, 25--27
                  {N}ovember 2009",
  booktitle =    "{NLP}, Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Based Grammar
                  Research: Proceedings of the Fifth International
                  Conference, {S}molenice, {S}lovakia, 25--27
                  {N}ovember 2009",
  publisher =    "Tribun",
  address =      "Brno",
  year =         2009}

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Creation Date: Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Ostatnia modyfikacja: Wed Nov 25 17:56:10 CET 2009