In: the proceedings of LREC 2010 workshop on Web Services and Processing Pipelines in HLT: Tool Evaluation, LR Production and Validation (WSPP2010).
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BibTeX entry:
@InProceedings{ogr:prz:10, author = "Maciej Ogrodniczuk and Adam PrzepiĆ³rkowski", title = "Linguistic Processing Chains as Web Services: Initial Linguistic Considerations", pages = "1--7", pdf = "", url = "", crossref = "lrec:wspp:10"} @Proceedings{lrec:wspp:10, key = "LREC:WSPP", title = "{LREC}\,2010 Workshop on {W}eb {S}ervices and Processing Pipelines in {HLT}: Tool Evaluation, {LR} Production and Validation", booktitle = "{LREC}\,2010 Workshop on {W}eb {S}ervices and Processing Pipelines in {HLT}: Tool Evaluation, {LR} Production and Validation", address = "Valletta, Malta", organization = "ELRA", year = 2010}